Today my cousin Sherry sent me a photo that she recently came across. I love this photo! My guess is that it’s about 1960 or 1961. It's just a fraction of my family at my Aunt Kay’s high school graduation party.
The who’s who: back row: my handsome father Maurice (Mo), an “unknown” woman, my aunt Joyce, grandpa and grandma (parents to 14 kids and more than 40 grandchildren), my mom Jan, aunt Bonnie, aunt Carol (peeking through), aunt Kay, and aunt Patty. In front of them: uncle Dean (in the bow-tie), cousins Rebecca, Kim and Sherry. Then the two cuties...me (in the polka dot dress) and my little brother Tom. Sherry, why are you scowling at me?!? (to see the photo in a larger view, click on the photo)
I had to laugh, the four of us (mom, dad, Tom and me) are so tan and look so classy that we look like the rich family from the suburbs. Oh how looks are deceiving! We were poor and lived in the city. It was a “good poor”…we had more than we realized we did and we were happy. And my brother and I never knew we were poor until we were grown and reflected on how little we had financially. My parents provided a nice home for us and always made sure we had everything we needed. And a lot of times, more than we needed.
Many of the people in the photo are no longer with us. I miss them all. And I love my cousin Sherry for sending this photo. And I also love her for a lot more reasons; she’s wonderful.
(Update: since posting this I have found out that the "unknown woman" is a former aunt. Her name is Cathy.)
Auntie Karen -
I really love the picture you left on there of us. I hope you're having a nice time. Your blog is really nice.
Love, Anna
Auntie Karen -
Like the cool website! It has cool pictures. I like the one that says "Please Mind Your Head".
Love, Jackson