Erika and Ashley.
This was part of a video they made that truly makes me laugh.
Tyler, Erika and Ashley in lobby of my Philly apartment.
Tyler with Mario, the keeper of a castle in Tuscany.
Mario was so classic. Loved him! At the time we were there he had worked for the family for more than 50 years. Mind you...Tyler is six feet tall; you can imagine how small of a guy Mario is!

The Brits are so polite!
This was on the top of a door that was very low.
When your brother spends ten days with you, this is what he leaves.
It's a wonder he has any lungs left.
When your brother spends ten days with you, this is what he ALSO leaves...
beautiful photos to remember the time together.
Does anyone know what this is?
We saw it on the beach but can't figure out what it is/was.

Tyler took the red-eye to Philly to see Erika.
He took a nap to catch up on some missed sleep; when he awoke, this is what he found.
It's so nice to have a big sister who loves to bake!
Coffee and cigarettes.
I send them outside to indulge in their nasty habit but it doesn't stop them.
Even on Christmas morning.
I love this...Erika's photo with some of her treasures.
Tyler setting up the "tripod" for a shot of mum and son at the coast.

Tyler and Erika in Philly.
Any guesses on which one lives in the desert sunshine and which one lives in the east coast city?

Erika feeding the furry coo. She took some time away from college and lived in Europe.
This is while living in Edinburgh, Scotland.
One of the gifts she sent me after this was a small stuffed coo. She hollowed out the bum of the coo and stuffed a small bottle of Scottish Whiskey inside.
My daughter the smuggler. You gotta love her!
Tyler and Chelsea at Cannon Beach, Oregon.
Yes, Virginia, it sometimes snows in Portland.
We get very excited.
Some get very frightened.
Sometimes the city shuts down.
This is amusing to a girl who grew up in the midwest.

Sunset at Arch Cape, Oregon coast.

Tyler and his harem.
The boy is always surrounded by a bevy of beauties!
On May 14, 2006 we left John's ashes here.
He was a huge John Lennon fan so we thought this an appropriate place for his final resting place.
It was Erika's idea to go to Central Park and it grew from there. It was a nice touch that someone left a photo of Lennon and a guy was playing his guitar and singing Lennon songs that day.
There are some of his ashes outside his office window at the College of Staten Island, under a tree which he called "our tree".
I think John would be happy.

While browsing the Internet and becoming sidetracked (oh not ME!), I find a photo on a professional site of Erika putting up posters in Montreal.
Remember...someone, somewhere, is always watching you. Phone call for Mr. George Orwell.....!

Passe Muraille (Paris)
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