You just never stop learning from your children…no matter how old you become. Last night as I was wrapping presents for Christmas, I realized just how few I could afford this year and of course I felt really awful. You see, I’m a huge fan of Christmas and love giving presents to people. In fact, I love to give gifts more than I love to get them. But this year is a first; finances are not what they used to be so there aren’t as many gifts.
I went to my computer and wrote an email to my kids telling them how sad I feel not having as many gifts for them. Bright and early this morning my very wise son responds to my email…
Don't feel bad! Read your Dr. Seuss quote and actually listen to what it says!!! ;)
You see, that wonderful Dr. Seuss quote is on my email signature every year. I really do believe what it says; I just became wrapped up in the gifts (pun not intended) and didn’t listen to my own words. Art Linkletter was right,” kids say the darndest things”. Even when they’re no longer kids.
I'm so glad you have your group... a group you never wanted to join but there you are.
"The Dance" has always been one of my most favorite Garth Brooks songs. Sniff sniff.
Big hugs to you.